Enemies Of Good Art

Posts filed under 'Uncategorized'

Conversation – Hannah and Echo Collins

A conversation between Martina Mullaney from Enemies of Good Art, the artist Hannah collins and her daughter Echo on careers and creativity for the artist with children


Work to be done

For this our final Enemies of Good Art broadcast in the series, the original founders will be joined by Esther Windsor to discuss how the movement is progressing, what work is yet to be done and how do we change the climate for women artists after children. Martina Mullaney from Enemies of Good Art is […]


Cultural producers push for change in Berlin

A group of cultural producers, workers and artists are pushing to change Berlin’s cultural and urban policies. Called Haben und Brauchen – (to have and to need), this group formed in 2010 to protest a plan for a new contemporary art museum in the German capital and an “achievement” show of young artists in 2011. […]


Children and theater arts

In this first show of the new series of Enemies of Good Art, we’re looking at theater arts about childhood, plays aimed at children and productions which include young people. We’re asking how do you create a genuine collaboration between theater arts practitioners and the children they work with? What issues are off limits when […]


Creating and sustaining alternative communities – Part 1

In this week’s show, we hear from two women who were integral in forming and sustaining two of Berlin’s alternative living projects. We’ll be discussing how these communities form and organise themselves, and how they maintain the original ideals and identity of the community as members come and go and society changes. We’ll also be […]


A Labour of Love: Motherhood as Emotional Capital. Part 2 Psychoanalysis and politics.

Two weeks ago we introduced the concept ‘Emotional Capital’ to look at class and social values in mothering. This week we use Lacanian Psychoanalysis to look at anger, anxiety and intense identifications in the experience of being a mother, to re think how emotions intersect with political and economic life. With Renata, Salecl, Bice Benvenuto […]


Birthing Ideas: Is the childless mother the more maternal?

Joined by two figurative London based artists, Charlotte Lindsay and Eline van den Boogaard, Rebecca Baillie considers the notion that it is often artists without children, or those distanced in someway from the everyday experience of child rearing, who best articulate the meaning of maternity. Rebecca Baillie is a London based artist and writer. Charlotte […]


A Labour of Love: Motherhood as Emotional Capital Part 1

‘Bad’ parenting as car crash telly and ‘mothers gone wrong’ is just part of the media pathologization of parenting, indicating the spectrum of ideology, invested in mothers. Emotional Capital (like Social Capital but of the private sphere) is used here to understand power in mothering, invisible labour deployed, creation of ‘families’ and reproduction of social […]


When is a good time to have a baby?

The question of when or if to start a family is not one that usually preoccupies recent graduates and students in their early twenties. Martina Mullaney from Enemies of Good Art is joined by artists Hannah Patching, Lucy Evetts and Calire Poulter to talk about babies, careers and art. Hannah Patching, 22, is completing the […]


Rethinking Pocahontas

Looking at educational, societal and cultural influences we discuss what it means to educate girls and boys today. Martina Mullaney from Enemies of Good Art will be joined by teachers Vargini Ledchumykanthan and Kamini Lakshmikanthan and Brian Channer from Nu Briton Brian Channer is the Director of Nu Briton, a non-profit organisation focused on educational […]


Feminism today and Collectivity

On this show we discuss recent feminist activity around the East End. The emergence in the last couple of years of women’s art collectives/groups including VV and ask, why now? Martina Mullaney from Enemies of Good Art will be joined by artists Bex Massey and Ellie Green co-founders of VV Art Collective and freelance musician […]


The Great Divide

Following the East London Fawcett Group’s open meeting on October 19th – Art Talks, where much of the conversation was dominated by motherhood and children, today’s show looks at the divide between women, who for one reason or other, do not have children and those who do. Martina Mullaney from Enemies of Good Art is […]


Childhood memories and the “good” mother

Three artists living in Berlin discuss how their childhood memories and personal experiences feed into their work. In the past Wu Zhi, Niina Lehtonen Braun and Agnes Domke came together to stage an exhibition called Allmutter, which presented work dealing with their reponse to motherhood. Since then they have continued their practise separately and they […]

East London Fawcett Group – Talks Art

On the 19th of October East London Fawcett Group hosted an evening of talks intended to generate considered campaigns that identify and address inequalities that women still face in all sectors of contemporary society. This, their first event considered alarming statistics in relation to women and the art world. Martina Mullaney from Enemies of Good […]


Tom Hunter

Tom Hunter won the John Kobal Photographic Portrait Award in 1998. In 2006 he was the first artist to have a photography show at the National Gallery, London. He has also been awarded an Honorary Fellowship by the Royal Photographic Society in their Annual Awards for 2010. Tom currently lives and works in London. His […]

International Women’s Day Special

To mark the 100th anniversary of International Women’s Day, Resonance 104.4FM broadcast a day of programmes curated by Richard Thomas and Martina Mullaney. Women, across art and media practices, were invited to contribute programmes throughout the day. Highlights included live studio discussions on: Motherhood, Power and Love chaired by Esther Windsor Activism and Change chaired […]


Melanie Manchot

Melanie Manchot is a London-based artist who explores performative and participatory portraiture and will be presenting “Kiss. Fight. Leap. And other recent works”. Working with photography, film and video, Melanie Manchot often engineers events or situations in public spaces to produce her engaging explorations into our individual and collective identities. Manchot’s work has been exhibited […]

Birth Rites Symposia

Enemies of Good Art will be participating in the Birth Rites Symposia – 9th and 11th May. The Birth Rites Collection is holding two days of symposia to explore the visual representations of childbirth. A range of academics, artists and curator will discuss the social, political and artistic implications of work around the subject of […]

Motherhood, Servitude and the Delegation of Care

We invited Lisa Baraitser MA Course Leader Psychosocial Studies at Birkbeck, and editor of MaMSIE to host our final show of the season. MaMSIE (Mapping Maternal Subjectivities, Identities and Ethics) is an international network of scholars, artists and activists working in the emerging interdisciplinary field of maternal studies. The discussion addresses issues of labour, social […]


Berlin Can’t Feed Us: an international art career and family life

How do artists combine family life and an art practise that involves international commissions, residencies and participating in exhibitions around the world? Ana Shorter talks to the conceptual artists and real-life partners Folke Koebberling and Martin Kaltwasser about why international commissions are so important for them. The couple also discuss how they balance the international […]


Dinu Li (Podcast available)

Artist Dinu Li discusses the influence on his work of the 17th century Dutch painter Johannes Vermeer; in particular in relation to his recent work “Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is Mystery.” Dinu Li’s work has been exhibited internationally, including at the 53rd Venice Biennale and at the Victoria & Albert Museum, London. He has undertaken […]


On Matricide and Culture

This discussion will be structured around the argument of contemporary feminist philosopher Luce Irigaray, that matricide is one of the dominant fantasies underlying western culture. How do fantasies of matricide impact on our discourses, narratives and social organisations? What are the meanings and effects of this matricidal culture on lived experience and social realities? Can […]


A kind of family?

Three artists from the former GDR talk about their experiences as artists and mothers before and after the wall came down. They consider their reasons for making work dealing with themes related to family or motherhood. The discussion includes their experiences of operating within close-knit underground art groups in a socialist state, and collaboration and […]


Cycles of Life

Four artists based in Berlin share their personal experiences of motherhood and how it affected their art practise. The discussion meanders from pregnancy at art school and developing artist networks, on to childbirth and death. Ana Shorter is joined by: Mona Jas, a film and video artist whose work deals with the theme of individual […]


Stuart Whipps

Stuart Whipps’ most recent body of work, “New Wooabbeleri” was nominated for this year’s Deutsche Börse Photography prize. The work was the result of a residency at the Focal Point gallery in Southend-on-Sea and was a response to the Thames gateway regeneration zone. The exhibition and resulting publication questioned the process of regeneration and the […]

Art Practice and Family Commitment – the view from Berlin

This show looks at art practise and the demands of raising a family. Four multi-disciplinary artists, all with children under 4 years old talk openly to Ana Shorter on the subjects of motherhood, fatherhood and practicing in Berlin. She is joined by Ines Lechleitner, she addresses issues of non verbal communication within her work using […]

Immersive Parenting and Creativity

Our guests on today’s show are both artists and full time mothers who have chosen to home school their children. We ask if home schooling is a feminist issue as we return to former discussions around education and biology. What is the impact upon creativity for any mother who dedicates a large portion of the […]


Why Are Women Still Not Winning Major Art Prizes?

Bidisha, Kate Mosse, Mavis Cheek With the announcement of the shortlist for the 2011 Orange Prize for fiction only a few days away, Bidisha speaks to internationally bestselling novelists Mavis Cheek and Kate Mosse, herself the founding of the Orange Prize 16 years ago, about women writers and the literary establishment. Women read, write, edit […]


Work/Family Dilemma 2

On today’s show we return to the subject of women/mothers and the work/family crisis. In particular we ask if women with children can hold down full time management positions and hope to see their children. Are there an alternatives to the male corporate model of the working. Martina Mullaney from Enemies of Good Art will […]


Pop-up Creche at Tate Modern

An Action – ‘Enemies of Good Art’ TATE MODERN – POP-UP Creche! April 1st 11.30-14.00 At our recent Enemies of Good Art meeting, Chisenhale Gallery Friday 11th February it was decided that we should go ‘en masse’ to see a show at TATE MODERN, create our own ‘pop-up’ creche and enable each other to visit […]

Childbirth and Dance

How does the physical act of giving birth and then becoming a mother affect artists who work with the body? Dance artists and a cranial osteopath discuss the changed experience of the body arising from childbirth and how this impacts upon a dance artist’s creative, choreographic and performance agendas. Dance artist and writer Lizzy Le […]


Divisions of labour

This show is the first in a series of programs recorded in Berlin with artists working in and around the city. The discussion will centre around the (still) gendered division of labour in the home. As more and more women work outside the home, who is taking on the domestic tasks and caring roles that […]


Distraction and Creativity

Our guests on today’s show enjoy busy and demanding careers, juggling practice, teaching commitments and other activities necessary to make one’s way in an increasingly competitive art world. The question of distraction in relation to creative practice is a subject that we have addressed on previous shows and we return to it again. None of […]


Art practice and older children

Todays show looks at how artists juggle practice with older children. Does it get easier as children get older or are worries and concerns around headspace and the practicalities of creative practice still daunting. Martina Mullaney from Enemies of Good Art is joined by; Emma Talbot a painter who graduated from the RCA in 1995. […]

Single Parents and Society (Big)

In view of the fact that the single parent allowance is among one of the many cuts being imposed by the coalition, how can David Cameron’s ideas around Big Society support the single parent. Martina Mullaney from Enemies of Good Art will be joined by; Kelly A Drake graduated from Sir John Cass Art School […]


Children and Art School

For most students the question of when to have children is rarely if ever discussed. Why is it that we can be professionally prepared for a career after education but we are never encouraged to discuss having a family and when might be the ideal time to do so? This discussion will look at how […]

Art Practice and the Paternal

The discussion considers how family commitments have impacted on creativity from a male perspective. All artists share responsibilities for childcare. Martina Mullaney from Enemies of Good Art is joined by Kristian Buus freelance photographer and father to two and a half year old Robyn. Daniel Higgins is an artist and musician and full time father […]


Southbank Centre

Women of the World Festival Southbank Centre, 11th March Our seventh public meeting will take place within the Women of the World Festival on 11th March, noon to 2pm at the Southbank Centre. This public meeting chaired by the writer Kate Mosse will question why so few women win the big creative prizes. Unlike our […]

Women Supporting Women

Martina Mullaney from Enemies of Good Art is joined by Marcia, Angie and Toyin, three mothers who have suffered domestic violence. Discussion around personal experiences, support for women in similar circumstances, and what prompted these women to become support workers themselves. Some names have been changed.


Art Practice and the Family

How do mothers juggle art practice with the demands of small children? A broad discussion between four practicing artists who’s children are all under the age of 3. Martina Mullaney from Enemies of Good Art will be joined by; Cat Phillipps artist and art activist. Tanya Harris, photographer, Trainer and Arts Education Consultant. Jasmina Cibic, […]


Art in the Age of Biological Reproduction

Our first show of the new year looks at questions around biology, politics and the creative process. When is the ideal time to have a child and why are women putting it off? It is acceptable to want a child in your twenties and why are we reluctant to talk publicly about it? Martina Mullaney […]


Rut Blees Luxembourg (Cancelled)

Rut Blees Luxembourg will talk about recent work from New York, Black Sunrise Rut Blees Luxemburg’s work considers public spaces within the city, where the ambitions and unexpected sensual elaborations of the ‘modern project’ are revealed. She brings to light the overlooked, the dismissed and the unforeseen in her immersive and vertiginous compositions. Space is […]

Camilla Brown in Conversation with Trish Morrisey

Curator, writer and lecturer on contemporary art Camilla Brown in conversation with photographer Trish Morrisey. Trish Morrissey’s photography could be described as narrative documentary as it uses the conventions of portraiture and snap-shot photography, collapsing the distinction between fact and fiction. The artist always appears in her work and there is often a strong autobiographical […]

Chisenhale Gallery

The sixth Enemies of Good Art public meeting took place at the Chisenhale Gallery on Friday 11th February noon to 2pm For our discussion the writer and critic Bidisha chaired a debate about ‘confidence’ and how artists can lose and regain the ability to make work around the birth of their children.

Work/Family Dilemma

This is the 9th in a series of 9 live discussions broadcast on Resonance 104.4FM. Martina Mullaney from Enemies of Good Art was joined by Camilla Brown – senior curator at the Photographers Gallery Rachel Anderson – Head of Interaction at Artangel Cany Ash – founder partner of Ash Sakula Architects This show broadly discusses […]


Childbirth and Motherhood

This is the 8th in a series of 9 live discussions broadcast on Resonance 104.4FM. Guests: Elinor Carucci, Photographer Hermione Wiltshire, artist and lecturer Helen Knowles, artist and curator Ana Shorter, Enemies of Good Art This show is a live discussion about the production, curation and exhibition of art related to motherhood and childbirth. Photographer […]


Feminism Again

This is the 7th in a series of 9 live discussions broadcast on Resonance 104.4FM. Guests: Irene Revell, Co-Director of Electrra Productions Jude Kelly, Director of the Southbank Centre Catherine Grant from the Courthauld Institute Martina Mullaney, Enemies of Good Art Feminism Again The question of feminism discussed within the contemporary art landscape. The discussion […]


Kids in Residence

This is the 6th in a series of 9 live discussions broadcast on Resonance 104.4FM. Guests: Hayley West, artist Lea O’Loughlin, co-ordinator Acme Studios International Residency Programme Ken Pratt, writer and curator Rebecca Niederlander, artist and co-founder of BROODWORK Iris Anna Regn, designer and co-founder of BROODWORK Jemima Brown, artist A discussion asking if and […]


Big Society

This is the 5th in a series of 9 live discussions broadcast on Resonance 104.4FM. Guests: Lina Dzuverovic, Director of Electra Productions Josie Appleton, Manifesto Club Paul Halliday, Goldsmiths University. Martina Mullaney, photograher and co founder of Enemies of Good Art An exploration of ideas around networks, communities and David Cameron’s notion of a Big […]


Delight and Liberty, the simple creed of childhood

This is the 4th in a series of 9 live discussions broadcast on Resonance 104.4FM. Ana Shorter, journalist and co-founder of Enemies of Good Art Wendy Ewald, International Visual artist and educator Gideon Mendel, photographer and activist Ian Dawson, sculptor Alicia Hart, photographer This program looks at the question surrounding the involvement of children as […]


A Decidedly ‘Female’ Voice

This is the 3rd in a series of 9 live discussions broadcast on Resonance 104.4FM. Guests: Martina Mullaney, photographer and co founder of Enemies of Good Art Elina Jokipii, photographer Philippa Goslette, screenwriter Catherine Moreland, painter This show takes its title from a press release advertising an exhibition on Women in Art Photography, at the […]


Eti Wade (Podcast available)

Artist Eti Wade who will be discussing “The Maternal Gaze”. Mothers photographing their children are an everyday occurrence but it is not often that the maternal view is put on display. In her talk Eti will survey the exposing mother, from Lady Clementina Hawarden to Sally Mann, to identify common themes and suggest interpretations of […]


Eva Stenram (Podcast available)

Eva Stenram, lecturer in Fine Art, Digital Photography and Video Art at the University of Bedfordshire presented her ideas about the use of image manipulation within fine art photography. Eva works extensively with photographic image manipulation, investigating how manipulated imagery interacts with our desires and memories. For her talk she will discuss how image-editing software […]


Artist Self and Maternal Self

This is the 2nd in a series of 9 live discussions broadcast on Resonance 104.4FM. Guests: Amber Jacobs, feminist and academic Eti Wade, visual artist Maria Marshall, filmmaker Adriana Cerne, feminist and countercinema film researcher This show looks at the identity of the artist and that of the mother. How do these identities and roles […]


Let’s Not Talk About Mary Kelly

This is the 1st in a series of 9 live discussions broadcast on Resonance 104.4FM. Guests: Jennifer Thatcher, writer and art critic Rut Blees Luxembourg, photographer Susan Bright, writer and curator Martina Mullaney, photographer It seems Mary Kelley’s Post-Partum Document of 1973-7 is about the only work on parenthood and early childhood that anyone can […]


Peter Kennard and Cat Phillips (Podcast available)

The Troika lecture series commenced on 19th November with internationally renowned Peter Kennard and Cat Phillips discussing their collaboration on art and activism.

Peter and Cat began working together in 2002 in order to produce art in response to the invasion of Iraq. Their collaborative projects known as kennardphillips use a variety of media […]


The fifth Enemies of Good Art public meeting took place at the ICA on Saturday 23rd October 2010. The meeting was held within the installation ‘The Urgent Need to Struggle’, at the ICA by the Russian Group, ‘Chto delat (what is to be done?)’. For this meeting we utilized the cinema space constructed within the […]


Royal College of Art, Battersea

The fourth Enemies of Good Art meeting was on Friday 1st October, in the Moving Image Studio, Royal College of Art, Battersea, from 12 noon to 14.00. Writer and academic Laura Mulvey chaired the meeting. The event was supported by Wandsworth Arts.


Tate Modern

The 3rd Enemies of Good Art public meeting was held on 16th July 2010, on the mezzanine area of Tate Modern Turbine Hall. The meeting was chaired by writer and critic JJ Charlesworth.

AGENDA 1) Career: most artists are not thinking of having children in their 20s, but in their early 30s, when careers […]

Whitechapel Gallery

The 2nd Enemies of Good Art meeting was held in April 2010, again at the Whitechapel Gallery in the installation ‘The Nature of the Beast’, and was chaired by Charlotte Cotton. 40 artists attended. As with the 1st meeting all of those who attended were women many with babies and small children.


Whitechapel Gallery

The 1st Enemies of Good Art meeting was held in July 2009 at the Whitechapel Gallery in the installation ‘The Nature of the Beast’, and was chaired by Jennifer Thatcher. 20 artists attended, many with babies and small children.


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